Williams Sound PocketTalker Ultra
Williams Sound PocketTalker Ultra with Single Minibud and Headset
A personal listening system can make your loved ones, or your television, easy to hear again. The Williams Sound Pocket Talker Ultra allows you to control tone and volume separately. Enjoy this personal sound amplifier for 100 hours with any of the many accessories included with your purchase.
- Lanyard, so you can discretely wear the amplifier around your neck
- Belt clip, to carry the light weight amplifier with you
- Includes one earbud and headset
- Connects to your headphones
- Connects to your television and has a TV listening extension cord (12 feet) so you don’t have to be too close to the screen
Features of this television and sound amplifier:
- An omni-directional microphone
- Built-in wind screen for optimal sound
- Durable impact resistant case
Frequency Response:
- Tone at mid position: 0dB boost at 5kHz, 4dB cut at 400Hz
- Tone at low position: 3dB cut at 5kHz, 4dB boost at 400 Hz.
Battery and Warranty:
- Takes two AAA batteries
- 100 hour battery
- Red flashing light means batteries are low
- 5 year warranty on parts and labor
- 90 day warranty on accessories
Buy the Williams Sound PocketTalker Ultra with Minibud & Headset and take care of all of your personal amplification needs at once.